The Automation You Need to Improve Customer and Employee Experiences

A More Human-Centric Approach to AI-Powered CX/EX

Today’s modern businesses are quickly moving from transactional to transformational experiences for both customers AND employees.

This demands more intelligent, ever-evolving digital tools that not only engage users more efficiently and intuitively but also – more humanly.

Buchanan’s OLIVR is a fully integrated IVR + Chatbot solution that combines Artificial Intelligence and over 400 leading API partner integrations that bring to life more highly-personalized experiences and accelerate business growth across your entire digital ecosystem:

  • Customers
  • Employees
  • Consultants
  • Partners
  • Vendors

OLIVR Says All The Right Things - Naturally

Conduct Personalized Conversations in 100+ Languages

Through Natural Language Processing, Conversational AI, and Quick Response capabilities – OLIVR delivers a more consistent, friendly, and naturally-engaging user experience in 100+ common languages.

Thanks to OLIVR’s advanced machine learning, businesses can now understand user intent, context, and content spoken in users’ Natural Language to provide more dynamic and intuitive user experiences virtually anywhere in the world.

Keep The Conversations Flowing Through Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

RPA software technology is changing how the world gets work done to help make your business more profitable, flexible, and responsive.

Just like real people, our AI-infused system understands what’s on the screen to extract the right data in order to perform a broad range of defined topics in seconds.

Through its reliable, predictable, and dependable operations design, RPA simplifies and automates daily IT maintenance needs to reduce repetitive, high-volume tasks and deliver faster, more consistent customer experiences.

Live Agent Services:
Solve Customer & Employee Needs In Seconds

Sometimes a particular customer or employee issue cannot be resolved through automated self-service channels. Not to worry.

OLIVR instantly escalates tickets to our friendly, knowledgeable team of technology and process experts, who step in and resolve the issue in seconds.

It’s this level of seamless, personalized support that makes OLIVR stand head and shoulders above the rest.

OLIVR Orchestrate Your Digital Experience Journey:

Fully Automated Saas Solution For Today's Modern Business


Natural Language-based Speech Recognition

OLIVR Enables Users to interact with the system naturally, in their own words.


Personalized User Experience

OLIVR interprets user data to personalize the experience, which ultimately increases overall user satisfaction.


Less Reliance On Live Agents

OLIVR gets the right conversation going, improving the efficiency of automated system and need for Live Agents.


Reduce Operation Costs

OLIVR increases efficiency, higher self-service rate, improved call resolution and greater Live Agent utilization.


From Robotic To Intelligent

OLIVR accelerates end-to-end business processes that think, learn and adapt on their own.


Data Analytics

OLIVR delivers actional insights to optimize performance an meet organizational KPIs.

Digital Workplace:
OLIVR Talks To Employees, Too - Wherever They Are

Establishing a highly efficient and ultra-connected digital workplace is at the forefront of organizational success.

With 66% of U.S. employees currently working remotely, at least part-time, experts predict that there will be 36.2 million Americans doing so by 2025. Clearly, the remote trend is not going away, with 85% of managers believing that remote teams are here to stay.

OLIVR arms your users with the ability to access critical data and applications – securely, from anywhere, and via their preferred methods and devices to ultimately:

  • Boost Employee Productivity
  • Drive Internal Collaboration
  • Increase Employee Satisfaction

Solve Employee Issues Instantly
Deliver the Right Resources, Right When They're Needed

Nothing is more frustrating than being stuck waiting for support.

To keep employees happy and productive, OLIVR’s AI-powered chatbot steps in to solve employee issues automatically – from simple password resets to more in-depth policy questions.

  • Instantly relays issues from chat, email, and web portals
  • Resolves issues across the Enterprise (IT, HR, Finance, Facilities, Marketing, Sales)
  • Gives convenient access to centralized resources: forms, FAQs, knowledge base articles

Close The Knowledge Gap
Maximize Self-Learning Tools and Information

A critical part of self-service is self-learning, identifying, and tracking. Improving employee information gaps can have a major positive impact on your business.

By identifying consistent questions and patterns from employees, OLIVR’s AI-powered Insights helps you:

  • Pinpoint key employee information and knowledge needs
  • Update current content based upon data trends
  • Identify and develop new types of content needed

Future Proof
OLIVR’s Seamless & Continuously Evolving Integrations Ensure Your Investment Never Grows Obsolete.

  • Adaptive Continuous Machine Learning
  • On-Going New Skills Upgrades
  • Self-Installing Cloud Updates
  • New User Interface Personas

Transform Your Business:

Happier Customers. Happier Employees. Major Cost Savings.

Benefits of customer service automation software:

Increased productivity

Increased team collaboration

Enhanced service processes

Enhanced customer experience

Reduced cost of IT operations

Reduced amount of human errors

Streamlined communications

Maintained consistency in tone and approach

Orchestrate Exceptional Digital Experiences That Meet the Moment and Maximize ROI