What is IT Modernization, and Why is it Crucial?

Businesses today face a critical decision: whether to evolve with the technological trends of the time or be left behind. In fact, as per Gartner’s research, there is a growing demand for IT modernization. As high as 76% of CIOs have reported an increased demand for new digital products or services during the pandemic. Also, […]

System Upgrades Help Modernize IT Infrastructure

System upgrades are an important part of IT modernization. IT modernization involves restructuring an organization’s technology systems to meet evolving business goals and market demands, while system upgrades involve switching to latest software versions, replacing old hardware, integrating cloud-based solutions, and adopting advanced data analysis techniques as a part of IT modernization. System upgrades foolproof […]

How MSPs Guide Businesses to Succeed with Oracle Cloud Infrastructure

The Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) is considered one of the most robust, reliable, and comprehensive cloud infrastructures driving strong business outcomes today. It is a public cloud that runs enterprise applications, including tools that help business leaders accelerate existing processes while aiding in strategic business decisions. However, due to OCI’s multi-faceted offerings, businesses may often […]

The Crucial Role of Cloud Migration in IT Modernization

In recent years, the accelerated rate of technological advances in IT has led businesses to implement newer technologies. This is the only way companies can survive today, let alone grow. According to Gartner’s research, enterprises want IT Modernization solutions that mirror simplicity and efficacy, with ease of management, infrastructure abstraction, automated processes, and scalability. Cloud […]

An In-Depth Guide to the Benefits of Robotic Process Automation

Robotic Process Automation

According to a report by McKinsey, automation could raise productivity growth globally by 0.8 to 1.4 percent annually. Yet, many businesses are still hesitant to adopt technologies like Robotic Process Automation (RPA).   “The future of business is not just digital but automated. According to Gartner, RPA software grew 22% in 2022. It is no […]

On-Demand IT Field Services Help Retailers Navigate Change

With the rise of digitalization and changing consumer preferences, the retail sector needs to be adaptable and efficient to thrive. The use of an On-Demand IT field services organization can provide a competitive advantage in ensuring the success of the retail sector. This blog delves deeper into the trends driving the increased need for On-Demand […]

Everything You Should Know About Patient Onboarding Platforms

Patient Onboarding Platforms

  Did you know that 20% of patients have switched doctors due to long wait times? “In an era where patient experience is paramount, inefficient onboarding is not just a service flaw; it’s a ticking time bomb.” ~Mike Pesina, Senior Director, Global Managed Services Let’s delve into why a robust patient onboarding platform is not […]

Ensure Patient Portal HIPAA Compliance

Patient Portal HIPAA Compliance

Patient portals are essential to modern healthcare, forming a pivotal link between healthcare providers and patients. As digital storehouses for Personal Health Information (PHI) or health data, patient portals increase patient engagement and streamline operational tasks like scheduling appointments and requesting prescription refills. This streamlining leads to an increase in the overall healthcare outcomes. “In […]

The Top 10 Patient Portal Benefits You Should Know

Patient Portal Benefits

  The healthcare industry is undergoing a digital transformation, and patient portals are at the forefront of this change. Yet, despite the advancements, a staggering 63% of healthcare providers still rely on paper or manual methods for patient engagement, according to a study by the New England Journal of Medicine. “The future of healthcare is […]

The 9 Major Benefits of Digital Transformation

Benefits of Digital Transformation

   There is a very good reason why digital transformation has become a buzzword in recent years. As technology continues to advance at a rapid pace, businesses must adapt to stay relevant and competitive. This is why more and more businesses are choosing to embrace the benefits of digital transformation. For those of you […]