The Top 10 Cloud Computing Best Practices to Know for 2023

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Business owners must consistently adapt to changing technology trends to keep up with today’s competitive market. To provide high-quality services to their clients and reduce overall costs, integrating cloud migration and applying the best practices for cloud computing have almost become necessary.

More businesses are migrating to the cloud every year to benefit from cloud storage and cloud infrastructure platforms. Statistics show that by 2025, the cloud will store 100 zettabytes of storage, and 85% of all businesses will have migrated to the cloud.

As integral as cloud adoption has become for business growth, there is still a significant learning curve that organizations must confront when they are shifting to the cloud.

For efficient integration, it is best to connect with an MSP who can take care of your cloud application management. Business owners also need to educate themselves on cloud computing best practices to ensure an optimal cloud adoption process.


Top 10 Practices for Managing the Cloud

There are several cloud computing best practices that business owners need to follow in 2023 for effective cloud adoption that provides long-term benefits.

Let’s take a look at the top 10 cloud computing best practices.


1. Create a Cloud Center of Excellence (CCoE) for Cloud Application Management

Business owners who want to ensure success in their cloud adoption process must follow the proper structure and have the right skills for optimal execution. Setting up a cloud center of excellence (CCoE) is the best way to ensure these requirements are met.

This central governance committee oversees cloud computing practices and is responsible for essential tasks such as setting the cloud policy and focusing on managing risks and improving outcomes.

A good CCoE includes finance experts and IT who can properly carry out their consultative role regarding the organization’s core IT infrastructure.

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2. Assess Business Goals and Understand the Benefits

Before diving into cloud adoption for your business, you must first develop clear goals on what you want to gain for your organization by moving to the cloud.

Business owners should identify and list concrete reasons why moving to the cloud is critical for their business growth, these may include benefits such as:

  • Reduced risk
  • Stronger security tools
  • Long-term IT operating cost savings
  • Higher availability
  • Elastic capacity
  • Cost reduction
  • Simplify my IT management
  • Eliminate hardware
  • Modernize our environment
  • Upgrade to cloud application, e.g., Salesforce or Dynamics

When an organization takes a cloud-first approach, it must shift all its data to the cloud to benefit optimally. An end-to-end assessment that considers opportunities, costs, and risks will ascertain that business owners thoroughly understand their cloud adoption implications and goals.


3. Select the Best Model

There are various types of cloud computing organizations can use.

Whether an organization opts for private, hybrid, or public cloud computing often depends on the available budget and long-term business goals.

For instance, businesses looking for cloud adoption with no maintenance costs may opt for public cloud computing. However, if cloud security is a concern and companies want to focus on protecting sensitive data, then private cloud computing is a better option. Hybrid cloud computing is a good fit for businesses seeking flexibility and policy-driven deployment.

Cost is of considerable concern for organizations migrating to the cloud.

Organizations need to compare the cost difference between supported cloud models. Additionally, they need to sensical coordinate them with other business aspects (to ensure the best one is selected accordingly).


4. Understand the Distinct Areas of Cloud Adoption

It is vital to differentiate your cloud adoption to reduce risks and ensure effective cloud implementation. Business owners not only have to understand the different models of cloud computing, but also the different areas of cloud adoption.

These include software as a service (SaaS), Cloud infrastructure platforms (CIPS),  or possibly migrating legacy applications or outdated systems no longer supported into a cloud environment.

Each approach should be assessed and implemented accordingly, but the roadmap should be considered so your goals are in line with your steps to adoption


5. Establish Governance for Managing Cloud Services

When companies are able to establish good governance for the cloud, they eliminate waste and prevent unmanaged growth.

By focusing on implementing proper governance during cloud adoption, IT processes are sufficiently optimized, which improves the chance of business growth and success.


6. Continuously Optimize Processes

Once the cloud adoption process begins, business owners have to continuously revisit and remodel their processes.

To ensure continued and optimal success in cloud adoption, organizations have to keep updating essential matters such as value measurements, budgets, and CCoE processes.

Cloud learning and education should also be offered across the organization so there is continuous IT infrastructure improvement.


7. Ensure Data is Actionable

Organizations need to keep in mind that any data provided by the cloud is raw and should only be implemented based on the context. Business owners need to evaluate any recommendations from cloud service providers and ask the “why” behind the recommendation.

Most of the time it will be for one of the benefits outlined in step 2 above, but businesses should take different scenarios into consideration to ensure they are making the best possible moves.


8. Prioritize Communication

One of the main keys to ensuring successful cloud adoption is to ensure there is good communication across the entire organization.

Important factors such as the main benefits of cloud migration as well as cost implications should be discussed properly with the appropriate departments so no avoidable complications arise later down the road.


9. Take Advantage of Automation

Cloud integration is known for its intricate nature and can take up a lot of time to carry out. To ensure that operating costs are reduced by as much as possible, organizations should try their best to automate certain cloud-based tasks such as configuration and management.

Automating tasks will give business owners the time they need to focus on perfecting their business plan and growing their business. Most security issues within the cloud are caused by misconfigurations, so this point cannot be emphasized enough.

Using automation can take time and money to build, but especially in compliance situations, it’s worth the investment to take out human error and utilize your team for spot checks.


10. Get Professional Assistance

Implementing cloud adoption is a complex process that needs to be undertaken with the utmost care. Organizations should ensure they only carry out cloud migration with the help of a cloud professional who has sufficient business and IT experience.

Even a small error during the migration can lead to serious losses and the potential risk of a data breach so it is always a good idea to get in touch with a Cloud Service Provider (CSP) who specializes in cloud migration services.

Following the Best Practices for Cloud Computing

With the world becoming increasingly technological and data-driven, more businesses are opting for cloud usage. The cloud computing market is worth $445.3 billion and is expected to double in the next few years.

Migrating to the cloud offers many benefits such as data security and IT efficiency, but the moving process is complex. To ensure optimal integration, business owners should follow best practices for cloud computing.

By taking measures such as creating a CCoE, establishing cloud governance, continuously optimizing processes, and connecting with an MSP, organizations can ensure they reach their business goals and experience a seamless cloud adoption process.

For more relevant information on the cloud, visit the following blogs:

Get Professional IT Services and Assistance Managing the Cloud With Buchanan

If you own a business and are wondering how to manage the cloud, we can help. Buchanan Technologies is your one-stop shop for all your IT needs and offers a variety of cloud services from detailed assessments to migration support.

For more than 30 years, we have provided high-quality IT services across North America backed by guaranteed service levels and à la carte pricing options for any business located in the US or Canada.

Whether you need help with cloud migration or you need help with your IT processes and strategy, our skilled technicians can help you meet your business goals.

Get in touch with us today to learn more about our IT services and how we can assist your business with cloud adoption.

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